Old Landys Rule

THE Land Rover newsletter about a geriatric Land Rover Series III called Dorothy and her stablemates

Video Sunday: Snowy play-day in Norway

As summer’s poking it’s head around the corner, and the temperature’s creeping up, a spot of fair-weather green laning’s on the horizon.

It’s not that we don’t like playing in the dirt and mud, it’s just we prefer sunshine, shorts and warm evenings.

That said, if you’re anything like us, if it dumps the white stuff outside we’re jumping at the chance to do a bit of ‘snow-laning’. Although, not much chance of that in the Midlands.

Last time we properly played in snow was south eastern Poland. There’s snow, then there’s SNOW. You tend to find the latter in Poland.

That was where we discovered BFG A/T’s beat SAGs when traipsing up snow-covered hills.

Dorothy put up a good fight but, ultimately, couldn’t quite cut the mustard.

Ol’ Blue though? He sailed up them hills in his BFGs.

No comparison.

A Blue Land Rover 110 V8 climbing a gentle snow-covered hill. There is a pile of logs in the foreground.

Reason I mention this is because in today’s Video Sunday we see much the same again. Except in reverse.

I’ve talked about these guys before – ‘Land Rover Drive’ – when they were bowling up a mountain in Norway… minus the snow.

This time they’re messing around in, not so much steep terrain but, a snow covered playground that looks like it was made for Land Rovering.

There’s one spot, early on, where we see their Range Rover slipping and sliding down a hill. Then shortly after, a Disco 4 bowls down the same hill in complete control.

OK, there’s probably more than one factor to take into account but in my eyes the D4 was sporting BFG All Terrains and the Rangie wasn’t.

Kinda confirms our own experiences at OLR (BFG A/T’s are our top choice for rubber).

Anyhoo… it’s not a edge-of-your-seat film, but it certainly got me longing for playing in a bit of the white stuff.

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq5SQt-ta7s

We’re gonna have to wait a while longer before we get the chance to do a spot of this. But maybe next winter Blighty will deliver the weather for a snowy play-day, or two.

Old Landys Rule!

Cheers, Phil.