It’s that one day of the year my postie hates me.
I watch them struggling up the drive, sacks of post slung over each shoulder, as I’m chewing on my weetabix and slurping a steaming mug of coffee.
It takes a few hours to go through all the love letters dumped through my letterbox.
The only problem is finding the space to how them all off. But it’s a good problem to have.
C’est la vie.
Aaand back in the real world I’m dribbling weetabix, spilling scalding hot coffee down my Old Landys Rule tee, while watching an empty driveway and no postie with bulging sacks of adoration from women around the country.
Which suits me fine.
There’s only one love in my life and she goes by the name of Dorothy (my Series 3).
She neither needs valentine’s cards, or gets any (that would just be weird) (right?).
Given the amount of work she’s demanding from me, my moolah’s better of spent elsewhere than on a cheesey card and chocolates.
For example…
I’m working the chassis at the moment.
What was a “quickly patch it up” job has turned into a mission.
She’s on carefully placed axle stands right now. What do I mean by carefully placed? See for yourself…
This particular section was so badly gone I’ve had to chop 3 sides of the chassis, leaving only the top section. And given where it is, if the axle stands weren’t placed strategically the whole thing would’ve caved in on itself and I’d have popped a blood vessel in anger.
Thankfully, she’s still standing. She’s just waiting for a new section to be welded in. (which isn’t going to happen soon because I’m tucked up in bed fighting a chest infection that ranks right up there with Covid for me).
(I’ve had Covid, and it ruins me for a few weeks)
Soon, my Dorothy. Soon.
Until then, until my man-flu has vamooshed and I can stand up with falling over again, there’s plenty to be writing about instead.
Happy Valentine’s Day. Your attention might be on your better half, but don’t forget to show a little love to your four-wheeled mistress sat, alone and cold, on the drive.
Old Landys Rule!
Cheers, Phil.
PS. Share more than chocolates and cards this valentines day and send your Landy lovin’ mates here so they can get some OLR action: